Sunday, April 21, 2013

broccoli slaw ala carbonara (aka, deliciousness)

So lately I've been posting Paleo updates...that it's pretty smooth sailing, that I'm starting to lose weight, that Chris misses carb-y snacks, etc. But what I haven't shared is the fun part.


I've really enjoyed trying new foods, new methods, and new combinations. We've had some amazing stuff lately. I'm not a very methodical cook though, so my measurements are always approximate and sometimes require a little more seasoning at the table. Some of them are just a little off even then, but sometimes, oh man. Sometimes, we hit on something AMAZING. Take this one for example...

Broccoli Slaw ala Carbonara (adapted from

I was so disappointed when I discovered it's too late in the season for the grocery store to carry spaghetti squash. Luckily, I'd just read about another Paleo substitute for pasta: broccoli slaw. Chris LOVED this first attempt and I'm already planning to make it again. Don't skimp on the sun-dried tomatoes though; they really make the dish.

1 bag broccoli slaw
1 package of bacon
1 can full-fat coconut milk
2 T italian seasoning -- basil, oregano, rosemary, etc.
1 tsp parsley
1 tsp salt (or to taste)
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/3 jar sun-dried tomatoes

In a large non-stick skillet, dump in the broccoli slaw. Put it on medium heat and add 1/4 cup of water, then cover and let it steam, stirring occasionally.
Meanwhile, fry up some bacon until it's crispy. When it's done, set it aside to cool enough to crumble it.
Remember that pan of broccoli slaw? Add the rest of the ingredients and stir 'em in. Continue to cook the broccoli until tender, then stir in the bacon and tomatoes. Serve, maybe with a salad and some fresh fruit.



  1. I love trying new recipes. I had to go pretty much completely off of meat and dairy through my whole 3rd trimester and am still limiting dairy, so we got to try a lot of vegetarian/vegan recipes. Some of the ones we thought we'd like the least ended up being our new favorite recipes! (Quinoa patties=OHMYGOSHAMAZING.)

  2. Yeah I know what you mean! This dish wasn't very pretty to start with, and I was just really not excited about putting Chris through yet another strange culinary flop. I think this got the most positive reaction of anything I've made for him though! "I can see this being served at a *restaurant*." Totally made my day. ^_^
