Thursday, January 30, 2014

a day to remember

On bad days, I want to remember what today looked like.

I want to remember that my rudimentary skills were enough to serve the purpose, and that I was proud of my work.

I want to remember that it was convenient to be nice to my husband, and I was genuinely excited about that.

I want to remember that I chatted with a friend and reveled in our comfortable, worn-in, beautiful dynamic.

I want to remember that I accepted feedback not as criticism, but as conversation.

I want to remember that I asked for help.

I want to remember that I compromised.

Life is so full of days like today, which are nothing too special by themselves. But put together, they make happy marriages and thriving homes and meaningful progress.

Today was a good day. And the best part about it was that it was completely normal.

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