Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I tell so many dumb puns on a regular basis that today, my sister mis-heard me and thought I was making an ABYSMALLY stupid pun instead of the average comment I had actually said.

That makes me giggle.

I enjoy the ridiculous, and noticing every tiny funny thing and pointing it out. I like to keep an ear out for things that certain people find funny and spout them back at just the perfect moment. It's so satisfying!

I particularly enjoy making my family laugh. My little brother and I have a rather similar sense of humor...random, and more funny to us than to anyone else! My sister is a bit on the cynical side and therefore a real, round laugh is a beautiful thing coming from her, and reminds me how much I really, truly like her. My favorite favorite person to make laugh, though, is my dad. Anyone who knows my dad can see why this would be so delightful. He's a gruff, stoic kind of person and I think his main priority in life is teaching his children that life is serious business, and it won't be his fault if we don't do it well. I love him for that, because like everything else he does, he does it well. But I don't think he laughs quite enough. So if we can sit around the table because Dad is bored and figures he'll keep Joe and I company while we play board games, I'll take the opportunity -- somewhat unconsciously -- to be frank and funny and hopefully, a rewarding person to be around.

It just feels good to both elicit and enjoy wholesome, honest laughter. I almost wonder if it qualifies as a spiritual gift, because done right, it really does bring groups of people closer together, and make you grateful for the love present there.

And that makes me joyful.

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