Tuesday, August 27, 2013

our jam-packed summer, part one: may

I've been saying it all summer.

"Babe, can we please never, ever have a summer this busy ever again??"

The answer is always the same.

"No guarantees."

In a lot of ways, I'm glad the summer is over. However, I'm amazed by how much we were able to do, not mention endlessly grateful for the husband I have, who is fun and loving and delightful, whether we are off adventuring or just hanging out at home.

Our jam-packed summer basically started in mid-May. (We're disregarding the fact that it is technically in the spring.) I left for my second-annual Mother's Day Cali Trip where I got to visit with my grandma, mom, and little sister. We missed Jennifer the whole time, but she was watching her little sister graduate. Valid excuse or not, it reminded me how much we savor her bold, fun, beautiful nature and the incredible example she is of nurturing and respect. Mom and Grandma and Deborah and I had a great time hanging out, just making dinner and watching movies and going shopping. I am related to such wonderful people! Especially that husband of mine, who was so sweet about letting me go, despite how much he missed me and how challenging it was to hold down the fort on his own.

Shortly thereafter, we enjoyed a visit from my daddy! Every year on his birthday, given its convenient proximity to Memorial Day, he takes time off of work. This year, he used the time off to visit me! It was nice to sit and talk with him and give him a hug whenever I wanted to, just like old times. Parts of having him in my home were challenging, though. Growing up, we were taught to be respectful by giving Dad have the final say, and we were taught to be kind in part by being attentive to his preferences. His visit created such a different dynamic though, with him being the one in my home. I think we were both a bit hesitant, hoping to avoid hurt feelings. However, I also think in the future we'll do things a little differently, more confident that we love each other tremendously, no matter the setting. I'm looking forward to those future visits!


  1. Um hello, you missed an important part of your trip in May! ;)

    1. D'oh! I honestly thought, "Oh, I visited Cindy too...but that was a long time ago, that wasn't this summer." Clearly the days feel longer when I am away from you, friend. ;)
